
25. 11. 2007
Chystáme ďalšiu výpravu: MDA 2008

7. 10. 2006
Šťastne doma! Za nami 11 800 km, 24 dní, 8 krajín, 3 kontinenty a nespočetne veľa zážitkov.

30. 9. 2006
Dobili sme pyramídy v Gíze.

20. 9. 2006
Herghott sa z rodinných dôvodov rozhodol opustiť spolucestovateľov a vrátiť sa domov.

14. 9. 2006
Vyrazili sme na cestu.

31. 8. 2006
Spustili sme Foto galériu expedície.

18. 8. 2006
Pridali sme foto Carnet de passage en douane do sekcie Dokumenty.

17. 8. 2006
Manažér Environ servis moto tímu nám potvrdil, že slovenskí jazdci Jaroslav Katriňák a Ivan Jakeš sa nebudú štartovať na rely faraónov. Jaro uprednostnil tréning v Maroku, ktorý je menej finančne náročný.

16. 8. 2006
Na stránku sme pridali sekciu Dokumenty, kde sa môžete dozvedieť niečo viac o administratívnej príprave na cestu.

22. 6. 2006
Pribrali sme k sebe Francuza, ktorý jazdí na BMW R 1200 GS. Jeho obľúbenými destináciami sú Rumunsko, Ukrajina a Grécko.

Podporili nás: TEMPUS fmoto Moto Geld SMC MItas Bike Security Enduro Aktual

Pridaj videoPerfektná hra na 3-strunovej gitare z lopaty - Video


Pridané: 20.09.2018 Pridal: egres2
Čitatelia: 4544 [Iné moto videá - Zábava] Dĺžka: 03:24

Justin Johnson - To je frajer.

SUBSCRIBE to Justin Johnson's​ YouTube Channel for free music, videos, playlists, & giveaways:

•Justin Johnson Signature 3-String Shovel Guitar Available HERE:
•Justin Johnson MUSIC & MERCH:
•"Crankin' It Up" Available for DIGITAL DOWNLOAD at:
•Official Website:
•Justin Johnson Blog:
•FaceBook Page:
•YouTube Channel:

Brief Bio
International touring and recording artist Justin Johnson has been hailed by Guitar World as a “must-see act”, dubbed “The Wizard” for his mastery of stringed instruments, and recognized as Slidestock International Slide Guitar Champion. He has earned endorsements from guitar builders around the world, published educational books on music theory and technique, and released a series of instructional DVDs.

Justin Johnson Highlights:
•Justin Johnson has toured the world as a performing musician throughout mainland Australia and Tasmania, Europe, The United Kingdom, and coast to coast in North America.
•Justin Johnson's original song "Midnight at the Crossroads," from his 'Smoke & Mirrors' double album, was licensed to Florentine Films for Ken Burns' documentary film "Jackie Robinson," due for release on PBS in April 2016.
•"In the Pines" from 'Smoke & Mirrors' was licensed to ad agency Wieden + Kennedy for the "Dodge Brothers" national ad campaign for Dodge Motor Company.
•"Grinnin in Your Face" from 'Smoke & Mirrors' is featured on NPR Back Porch Music's "Best of Back Porch Music Vol. 18: Old Enough to Know Better" 2015 Compilation Album.
•Justin Johnson is founder of "Roots Music School" in Nashville, TN. Under this umbrella, he has released an Instructional Series currently consisting of 5 DVDs and a book on Roots Music technique and theory. As Roots Music School founder, Justin Johnson has partnered with educators across the country to develop Roots Music curriculum for schools.
•First Place winner of Slidestock International Slide Guitar Championship


Zobrazujem diskusiu k videu: Perfektná hra na 3-strunovej gitare z lopaty

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21.09.2018 11:02

Crankin' Up the 3-String Shovel Guitar!



To je frajer. [dobre]

21.09.2018 11:57

Crankin' Up the 3-String Shovel Guitar!

Tomáš Hajduch - Awia
Darca Krvi  Edvenčr 

Tak to teda je... [dobre] [dobre] [dobre]

Pridať príspevok môže len registrovaný používateľ, člen Motoride Klubu.

Cestopisná kniha a DVD:

Tomáš Hajduch:

Prezývka: Awia
Dátum narodenia: 30.12.1980
Bydlisko: Košice, Slovensko
Tel: +421 903 31 31 36

Peter Fischer:

Prezývka: Herghott
Dátum narodenia: 07.03.1982
Bydlisko: Svätý Jur, Slovensko
Tel: +421 903 123 130

Igor Krajčo:

Prezývka: Francuz
Dátum narodenia: 02.09.1971
Bydlisko: Trnava, Slovensko
Tel: +421 903 122 482