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Prekrocenie rychlosti vo Francii - Diskusné fórum - Len Tak

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Pridaj novú diskusiuPrekrocenie rychlosti vo Francii - Diskusné fórum - Len Tak

OO Zruš sledovanie Pridaj nový príspevok 
07.05.2004 9:57

Prekrocenie rychlosti vo Francii



Confiscation of licenses and the impounding of motorcycles is likely to become a much more popular pastime. The following is from the Home Office web-site:

The French Government has recently introduced severe new penalties for road traffic infringements. These include a sentence of up to ten years? imprisonment and a fine of 150,000 Euros for causing death whilst over the alcohol limit; a sentence of up to seven years and a fine of 100,000 Euros for causing death by dangerous or negligent driving; a sentence of up to two years, a fine of 30,000 Euros and seizure of the vehicle and device for using any radar detecting device, this can even apply to vehicles with such devices installed but switched off. The French police are also applying speeding restrictions strictly; and drivers exceeding speed limits face heavy on-the-spot fines. Drivers who break French driving laws can also have their British driving licences confiscated by French Police; and the driver concerned will not be allowed to continue to drive the vehicle. This means that, if the driver is alone or travelling with a non-driver, the vehicle can be impounded until another driver with a current driving licence is available to drive it away.

Dufam, ze to netreba prekladat, ale tie limity a pokuty su hrozne. Moze to skoncit aj konfiskaciou motorky (auta) a vezenim.
Takze bacha vo Francii (antiradary tiez nepomozu, len uskodia)

Prijemny vikend

07.05.2004 13:58

Re: Prekrocenie rychlosti vo Francii



cisla, co uvadzas, su za sposobenie smrti a za antiradar. Ale zaujimaly by ma tie ceny za prekrocenie rychlosti, lebo tam asi v lete zabludim... na moj vkus maju az prilis vela pravomoci, ze zobrat mi vodicak, kua...

12.05.2004 18:11

Re: Prekrocenie rychlosti vo Francii

O prekroceni rychlosti tam teda moc nie je, ale aj tak je to brutus.... aby ma na dva roky zavreli, za to ze budem mat namontovany antiradar, hoci aj vypnuty kua...
Ozaj uz ste to poculi, ze slovensky policajti, ktori vas nameraju a prip. aj odfotia musia mat na to prikaz sudcu. Bolo to aj na motoride.sk, ale uz sa to vytiahlo aj Markize.

12.05.2004 18:12

Re: Prekrocenie rychlosti vo Francii

kua, pisem jak mongol :-)

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